Day 38-Marshfield to Appleton, WI

Mark Roys
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018

Ride, “ride”, ride day.

Weather conditions were seemingly favorable this morning, with the rain mostly south and west of me. So I headed out with a goal of 50–60 miles. Shorter than the past few days rides as I was in need of an easier day.

All went well, excepting a very light rain here and there. However, 40+ miles in, as I passed Stevens Point my luck ran short. Heavy rains set in, so I ducked into a Centex gas station for cover.

Things changed for the better as I chatted with Geno who was eating at the Subway. A seed salesman, former long haul trucker, and before that farmer in this area, he knew the road I had ahead. He offered a lift to the next town with a hotel to get out of the storm. An offer I couldn’t resist!

He took me to where the route got off the divided highway, US 10, and dropped me at another gas station where I could wait out the showers. He had genuine concern for me trying to ride US 10 given the weather situation, visibility, etc. I tended to agree!

After less than an hour, the rain eventually all but stopped, with just windy (of course) conditions. The forecast showed a few hours break before rain again. I took advantage and pushed on just under 20 miles more to finish the day just outside Appleton. Slightly wet, but undamaged, and off major roads!

Not a typical day, but I’m guessing those don’t actually exist on a trip such as this.

Overall good progress with the help from Geno. We even took time to drive through a farm equipment auction yard he was familiar with, full of old tractors and such. Lots of stuff I’d never heard of before, so I learned a bit too!

(Moonlight before the days ride!)

Happy to be resting inside while the storms finish passing through the area. Supposed to be a nicer day tomorrow!


Time: 5:21:44 hours

Distance: 62.2 miles riding

Average Speed: 12.86 mph

Max Speed: 19.84 mph



Mark Roys

Avid reader and learner, highly introspective and always seeking a new way to consider why. Advocate for removing life distractions to find one’s true self.