Paper In Real Life

A Space to Create - FiftyThree's Blog
4 min readSep 11, 2015

The new Paper launched just yesterday, but members of our amazing community have been helping us kick the tires for a while now to ensure a smooth launch. Here we’ve compiled a few examples of how Paper on iPhone is being used in both work and life, across fields as varied as film, education, and business!

Filmmaker and motion graphic designer Joey Trimmer is the owner of Notion Studios, a green screen studio in Seattle where he works on video game trailers and small productions. Of his process he says, “I often have to move quickly to deliver videos for product launches. Paper is a quick and efficient way for me to get my ideas down in a way my clients understand. It’s also a great way to flex my illustrative skills, and with Paper on iPhone I’m so happy to always have it with me when those moments of inspiration arise.”

A longtime fan of Paper, Janelle Sing leads design at Soludos, a popular shoe brand known for their espadrilles and summery shoes. With Paper on iPhone, she’s able to quickly show fit corrections on shoe samples — something she used to do manually. “When I have to show the factory technicians where (the shoes) are not fitting correctly, I can now draw directly on the image or make notes on it and send it off as an image or PDF.”

Tony Wu, an engineering student at the University of Waterloo, uses Paper to create class notes and flash cards. Of the new Paper interface, he says: “The new format lends itself nicely to flash card creation, which is extremely helpful for studying visual concepts.”

This Sunday, Jordan Vineyard and Winery Executive Chef Todd Knoll is hosting a dinner for top sommeliers in the restaurant’s Las Vegas and Northern California accounts. Using Paper, Chef Knoll collated a visual dinner menu along with lists of ingredients for each dish.

Designer Sara Combs recently remodeled a 1949 hacienda in Joshua Tree National Park in Joshua Tree, California. Sara used Paper for everything from brainstorming decor to keeping track of repairs, creatively combining sketches, photos, and text. “Paper has been great for making lists, writing notes on top of photos for changes we want to make, and quickly sketching room layouts,” she says.

Our own co-founder and CEO Georg Petschnigg recently used Paper to prep notes for a board meeting. In New York, FiftyThree is expanding our office space, so he’s been taking snapshots to help visualize the new layout as well.

Now that you’ve seen some examples of Paper in the real world, tell us how you’re using our app on iPhone!



A Space to Create - FiftyThree's Blog

Makers of the award-winning Paper, the beautiful app for getting ideas down, and Paste the collaboration tool for fast moving teams.