My Fundamentals — Limit your social media

Bhavin Prajapati
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2021

Social media is a resonance chamber, a constant feedback loop turbo charged through dopamine hits

I took a break from Fiftytwo250. I was emotionally exhausted from my injury and forced to make more changes… I got rid of caffeine to speed up my recovery. Incredibly, it’s helped!

I’m feeling a lot better and with Vaccine passports, I’m back at the gym and coffee shops… my old stomping grounds… albeit with no muscle and decaf espresso (it’s not that bad).

The last fundamental I spoke about was learning to be alone, a tough task in the middle of a pandemic. We have a deep need to connect but how we connect is more important to consider. The pandemic has forced ourselves to go more virtual with finely edited photos and soft ring lit bokeh video streams. Suddenly everyone seems healthy, professional and happy; a far cry from the truth… skewing our reality.

Social media is a resonance chamber, a constant feedback loop turbo charged through dopamine hits. In a gleeful state, it’s a lot of fun with endless laughs and memes! But alone and battered, it can brood hate and fear. Either way, do we really need it?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The pandemic and unplugging made me realize one thing. There is a certain freedom not having to be present on social media. It takes courage to be happy.

There is no greater courage than to be with yourself and not share it with the digital world but rather choose to emanate your courage in person over a socially distant coffee….

…F*%^! I miss caffeine. #sadge

Word count: 247
Hashtag count: 1

Twitter: @bhavprajapati



Bhavin Prajapati

#healthTech #productManagement #design #writing #fitness #systems