FightHoax and the European Communications Institute Announce Partnership

We are glad to announce our partnership with the European Communications Institute, a high-level Synergy of Public European Entities.

Valentinos Tzekas
2 min readApr 18, 2018


The team of FightHoax together with the representation team of ECI @ European Commision Office, Greece

The ECI — Synergy of Public European Entities(1), aims at Quality Journalism, as a prerequisite for educated citizenship.

Part of its mission is to promote the case of the ‘Solitary Europe of Citizens’. Its core action activities, are aiming at an Enhanced Democracy in a time of crisis by means of innovative technology and creative journalism .

FightHoax actively supports the same beliefs.

The Fake News crisis, is a threat that moves in two dimensions: at the level of the Citizen, it determines every life aspect we come into and cannot control, hence everyday life, as a whole. At the level of Society, it is a threat to
Democracy, itself .

Between the two entities, there is what Geometry defines as ‘Τόπος — Place’. That is the space overlapping two geo-entities.

Τόπος — Topos is henceforward, called the joint ECI — FightHoax activity, which is part of DISINFO — Lab(2), both at local, European or political levels (Political = citizenship). In this way, we are developing experimental or integrated proposals that will serve the partnership objectives, which were mentioned , earlier.

Initially, the pilot proposal of FightHoax is already in the hands of the High-Level Committee on Fake News, recommended by the European Commission to address the issue of False News in view of the European elections, while a similar briefing has been made, in the high ranks of the European Parliament and the Media Intelligence service, in Strasbourg.

This is one of the first steps executing our vision for collaborating with strategic partners, here at FightHoax.

(1) Synergy of Public European Entities: Donau Universitat Krems, Athena Research Center, The Botsis Foundation for Journalism Excellence and The Communication and Mass Media Technology Lab at the National Technical University of Athens.

(2) ECI -Disinfo Lab: The European Institute of Communication teaches Propaganda and Misinformation Challenges in Vienna and Athens as part of the Curriculum of the last 12 years. The a relevant laboratory was set up as a permanent observatory and now it is upgrading its research leg.

