FightHoax Landscape Analysis technology demonstrated at the European Parliament Office in Greece

Valentinos Tzekas
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2018

In the context of the World Day of Freedom of the Press (May 3), an initiative concerning the importance of quality press and disinformation, in the case of Democracy and everyday life, was undertaken by The National Television of Greece, the European Institute of Communication, the European Parliament Office in Athens, the National News Agency of Greece and FightHoax, at the European Parliament Office in Greece.

The data journalism and fake news workshop examined the landscape of potential solutions to the technological and physiological challenges, emerging from new ways of information sharing, data creation and socialization with the abusive usage of new media and social networks.

Fake News 2.0 Workshop— European Parliament Office in Greece — May 3 2018

The meeting was welcomed by Leonidas Antonakopoulos, the head of the European Parliament Office in Greece and Konstantinos Tsoutsoplidis, spokesperson for the EP’s Office in Greece who spoke about the EU initiatives to tackle false news and propaganda.

Representatives of the political parties of SYRIZA and New Democracy, Nikos Xydakis and Nikos Dendias and the head of Potami, Stavros Theodorakis, attended and participated in the public debate.

The head of the European Institute of Communication, Marios Nottas, analyzed the implications of abusive practices of mobile telephony companies and software applications on the occasion of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Spokespersons of the Athens Technology Center, the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” and the Athena Research Center, also presented their ideas and practices to the public.

Valentinos Tzekas, Founder, second from the left — European Parliament Office in Greece — May 3 2018

At the heart of the workshop, the FightHoax team demonstrated the FightHoax Landscape Analysis solution.

The FightHoax Landscape Analysis enriches hundreds of news articles with the FightHoax language processing technology in order to extract valuable analytical interpretations around a specific news topic.

The case of the Cambridge Analytica sparked a huge outcry from both citizens and social media networks. You can take a look into Cambridge Analytica through the lens of FightHoax’s news analysis and data journalism technology. We have observed some really interesting outcomes and patterns from the reaction of the media networks regarding the digital footprint of the authors, the perception bias and the emotional spectrum of the topic.

In the following weeks, we are going to continue our publishing spree about major news events, accompanied by the support and expertise of media publishers, all around the world.

