How Christos Demetis of News247 achieved a 700% increase in impressions with the help of FightHoax

Valentinos Tzekas
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2018
Turkish lira: World anger for Erdogan —


Christos Demetis is a journalist. He worked at the Pigassos Group. Since May 2012, he has been a part of the 24 Media Group and reports for NEWS247.

News 24/7 is one of the leading news websites in Greece. With a strong identity, it constitutes a complete solution in reporting news happenings, all over the world.

The Challenge

In mid-August, the Turkish lira plunged by over 20% against the U.S. dollar, into record low territory, extending the currency’s spiraling decline of the past several years. The story went viral and almost every journalist in Greece was talking about Turkey.

Christos wanted to give his readers a different perspective and start an interactive “conversation”.

Turkish lira: World anger for Erdogan —

Differentiated Coverage

He decided to use the power of our news analysis technology, in order to analyze the digital media landscape, between 1 and 31 August 2018.

He discovered the most impactful 102 international articles that covered the topic of the Turkish Lira Downfall. With the help of the FightHoax SDK, Christos visualized his analysis and created sentiment analysis charts, factual reporting graphs and a subject coverage timeline.

“The way we covered the story with the crucial help of FightHoax, gave us the chance to introduce our audience in an interactive and attractive environment which is quite rare in the greek new media era. Our audience found this perspective really “charming” as they tend to trust primary and multidimensional articles. In that case, the report was empowered by graphics which made it even more descriptive and at the same time the audience had the ability to fast check how genuine were the given informations by the systemic media concerning the Turkish Lira Downfall. In a way we allowed them to have a look ‘behind the curtains’”

