Which Mobile Phone Dominated the News?

Valentinos Tzekas
Published in
7 min readMay 11, 2018

We extracted and compiled, all-round valuable information regarding the best competing mobile companies and trends that show what mobile model dominated the week, with positive factual comments and media coverage.

These articles have been shared more than 2.521 times on social networks and generated an approximate number of 3,277,300 impressions.
As of March 16th.

FightHoax — Horserace Animated Visualization — https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/27003/

Before we dive into the data and its meaning, it is important to understand a crucial point of the FightHoax algorithm.

FightHoax takes the various elements that make up a story, such as who is behind the news story, the history and reputation of the publication, the language used and the different perspectives of the topic into consideration, in order to create a consistent overall view. The FightHoax technology follows a similar pattern to what would you do as a person, as in, cross-and-fact-check what you’re reading, in the most objective manner possible.

1) The Emotions

This adjoining aspect of the analysis concerns the overall sentiment observed in the digital sphere, which might include parts, the whole or none of the affecting pillars. The emotional chart depicted below verifies our initial observations about the topic’s overall perception bias and the impact of public opinion.

FightHoax — a strong sad pulse was observed

FightHoax’s technology tactically considers the content of the news piece of public information by contrasting the data with itself and observing its behaviour in various parts of the digital sphere, all through the scope of the sentiment.

We can note that the majority of the articles pertain to a strong emotional pulse, by attesting to a hot topic and / or by expressing it with corresponding language and content.

We ascertain that the week was dominated with primary sad emotions. Press announcements such as the viral rumoured and much expected One Plus 6 technical and design specifications, had the journalists concerned and deeply disappointed.

On the other hand, news pieces that covered the new software upgrades of Google Pixel and Google Lens, had a joyful essence of language used.

Deep and emotional article language means more and more social buzz from the users.

2) Factual Reporting

When it comes to the facts, there are two correlating aspects that we need to consider: the source itself and the linguistic content we’re reading. It is important to decipher the facts presented to us by understanding more about where we are reading and what we are reading.

FightHoax — the majority of sources have no factual history

Factual reporting history of the news pieces, covering the latest mobile scene moves, appears to be incoherent or missing entirely.

FightHoax — 23 out of 31 articles lack the necessary factual information

The same pattern is observed on the content analysis, as either the content is not satisfactory in length or does not offer the necessary data and facts when compared with the topic covered and the correlation matrix.

The majority of the news articles have a really short reportage result since the base of their factual reporting is rumors and leaks, such as the much rumored top-notch design of the new One Plus 6 mobile phone.

It is important to consider that the factual aspect of the analysis is a rather dynamic one. Human error and response are also key parts of the overall view. Simply put, even a source with the most reliable track record can adhere to factual mistakes and, thus, understanding how it responds to them is of crucial importance to our factual reporting.

You just can’t objectively verify the facts on 23 out of 31 articles.

3) The Title

Acommon phenomenon, which originates on the ability to use your emotions as a reader, is clickbaiting. This is a rather straightforward concept to analyse, albeit an important one for our general understanding. Titles tend to easily capture the reader’s curiosity and emotional pulse, therefore offering a valuable aspect to understanding what kind of content we are reading.

Sometimes, by effect of the title, impressions and title interactions — such as a post on a social network — are higher than actual link clicks.

By extension of our emotional pulse, we can observe a higher frequency of clickbait titles on the 31 articles. Clickbait seems to contradict that, manipulating emotions with cheap gimmicks and little substance, meant as a kind of digital junk food that satisfies a temporary craving but never truly satisfy. Titles of this nature are usually charged with even more emotions and tend to obfuscate the contents of the news piece in both interest and length, so as to lead the user to interact more easily and therefore increase the chances of generating impressions by first-glance.

We discover the use of this technique in examples like “LG phones are about to change as it adopts a gutsy new strategy” and “New dumb phone offers alternative to smartphone”.

15 out of the 31 articles analysed have tried to caught your attention by provided no or little knowledge compared to the article.

4) The Language

By combining the content, its length and its factual level with the quality of the language written and used, we can verify and build— to a certain degree — the persona profile of the author. Most of the times, quality content signals that, time, care and proper education of the author, have been capitalised in order to craft the article.

Naturally, however, we need to regard human error and its correlation with both publishing time and deadlines and, of course, the real impact of proofreading which is, more often than not, based on human abilities. Simply put, lack of total perfection is usually a verification of genuine content.

FightHoax performs a thorough scan of the linguistic content based on established scientific methods and algorithms such as the Coleman-Liau Index.

FightHoax — 25 out of the 31 articles are grammatically and syntactically, great

We have identified buzzwords such as “AI” and “specs”, being used as regular- everyday words. Numerous buzzwords, in any content piece, narrow down the audience since the majority of the readers are traditional older people.

It is also easier to proofread a news piece that is short when composing it, which leads directly to a clash with our analysis of factual coverage.

25 out of 31 articles you read are linguistically optimal.

5) Author Digital Footprint

Understanding, at a personal level, who wrote the piece you are reading is a crucial step towards creating an overall objective view of the information. News authors with a more consistent digital footprint are generally more reliable due to their expertise and extensive coverage of specific subjects, whereas authors with no digital information create a “hole” in our objective analysis.

FightHoax — 8 out of 31 authors has no credible digital footprint

FightHoax’s algorithm matches available digital data in a matrix correlated with the topic covered and its content.

Hence, it is noted that the minority of our 31 articles, have unknown authors. Τhis is a result of either a lack of a digital footprint or the publication carbon copied-plagiarised the article without sharing the original author.

Absence of author information, more often than not, creates a vacuum effect on the correlation matrix due to the content being directly affected by the person composing it and, thus, being unable to consider the human-effect.

In plain terms, 8 out of 31 authors, you just don’t know who they are.

Coming to An Understanding

It is a clear outcome of our sentiment analysis visualization, that Google Pixel dominated the week, with mostly favourable and supportive media coverage, from the press platforms.

On the other hand, at the last spots, Panasonic, Light Phone and Essential Phone had caught the eyes of the readers, by creating media buzz, but scoring substantially negative critiques and comments.

At the middle positions, runners-up like the freshly announced Huawei mobile phones P20 and Y9, generated a noticeable amount of headlines yet filled with neutral critiques and left food-for-thought comments, for the audience to consider before buying the new models.

FightHoax — Horserace Animated Visualization — https://public.flourish.studio/visualisation/27003/

