The 10-minute Full-Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Cardio, abs, strength and HIIT all in one

Rajeet S
Fighting Fit


This 10-minute workout works your major muscle groups, requires no equipment and you can do it anywhere.

Use it as a quick workout when you’re short on time or even a regular one up to 5–6 times a week (just make sure it’s not your only workout).

It consists of 9 exercises which last a minute each. The few seconds you spend resting between them will make it 10 minutes total, in which you’ll work your chest, arms, legs, back, butt and core, as well as giving you a quick, good hit of cardio.

Choose your Intensity Level

You can do this workout in one of three ways, which way is completely upto you. All methods use exactly the same movements, just at different paces.

Method 1 — Regular Pace

Use a normal, comfortable pace if you want to focus more on building strength, controlling the movements and breathing.

Perform each exercise for 50–60 seconds and then rest for 10–30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. You don’t need to count how many reps you do, just repeat the move for the minute. At this pace just focus on maintaining correct form and controlling your movements…



Rajeet S
Fighting Fit

Rajeet enjoys mixing cocktails and bombarding strangers with philosophy.