How to Stay in Flow for Longer

Picking the Right Music is Everything


Well-chosen music can promote and extend that magical state of flow. Flow is when you are completely absorbed in your work, and it no longer feels like a chore. Time flies and work slides by, with the satisfying result of crossing off items on the to-do list.

Music acts as an anchor for my busy brain. The clutter quieted. The ‘background tabs’ of my mind were occupied with the music, while my conscious thought could focus on the task at hand. It’s like having a baby. When they are making noise and fussing, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. But when the child is calm and occupied, I can finally sit down and work. Music is that distraction for the baby in your brain. It acts as an anchor for your mind, so that you can start getting things done.

The act of putting on headphones can also become a signal to yourself that this is work time. Flow just becomes that much easier when you have a little ritual that you do at the start of every session where you want to get into a flow state. Even when the ritual is simply putting on headphones and playing your work playlist. Headphones are also a signal to everyone around you that you shouldn’t be distracted.

Although I needed music to work for extended periods of time, music with lyrics was distracting me. I heard many people attest to music without lyrics, but I found it hard to find a ‘studying playlist’ that I liked. But I figured it out, so here are some suggestions for you if you want music while you study but want to minimize the distraction.

*Disclaimer, some of these are loosely or not classified as music. But it achieves the same purpose of anchoring your mind to your work.

  1. Binaural beats. This is what I’m listening to as I write this and is supposed to actually boost your productivity and concentration. It helps to quiet that part of my brain that’s always singing whatever I heard last, so I can concentrate. It sounds like alien music, but it works well and is unobtrusive.
  2. Movie Soundtracks. Honestly, anything by Hans Zimmer is a win (think Interstellar, Inception, and several Marvel movies). I’ve found that action movies get you hyped up and like you are conquering your to-do list. Portals from Endgame is golden here. I also enjoy a good Pixar soundtrack now and then. This also can change your mood, from somber/bored, to eager or fierce. Be wary of this when you are writing because it will bleed out into your work. If you listen to soundtracks of movies you love, you may get distracted if you recognize the music. (My auto-playlist started playing the Marriage Song from UP and I had to take a break.)
  3. Low-fi. Full disclosure, I never got into this when I tried it, but it’s highly recommended so give it a try and maybe you’ll love it too. There are hundreds of playlists out there, so it shouldn’t be hard to find.
  4. Classical music. My brother loves this stuff and suggests Tchaikovsky and other Romantic musicians. Science tells us that this is also the best genre of music for concentration.
  5. Ambient noises. This isn’t music, but the sound of rain or wind or the sea can help calm your mind and get you concentrating on your work. Again, this is easy to find long tracks of.
  6. Gaming soundtracks. Very similar to movie soundtracks, in that it also serves as a motivator. They are designed to keep you focused on the task at hand. Assassin’s Creed 2 and Halo are well recommended.

Experiment with several types of music. I have found Binaural Beats to work the best, as I can work for longer without a break. It is very effective at silencing my brain baby/procrastination monkey.

Sometimes I am willing to deal with a bit of distraction because I need something to motivate me. That’s when I put on a movie soundtrack, normally one I know and love (any of the Marvel movies work).

Your answer may not just be one thing. It may depend on your mood or what type of task you are doing. But shake things up every now and again. As we change our preferences, what works for us may change as well.

