The beginning of my thesis motifs

Johny Vino
3 min readSep 17, 2018

I am not sure what I am going to do. My ideas and thoughts are changing every day. So, I’m going to write down all of the ideas in my head.

Things I learned this summer

During the summer I talked to some of my SVA second years and colleagues from the company I had my internship with. These are the main things I learned:

  1. Write down the problem first rather than diving into your own innovative solution or technology.
  2. What is the one solution that you can provide,that no one is doing now?
  3. Think of a solution that will integrate into our lifestyles.
  4. Don’t start by thinking“I am going to make this.” Always start with a mystery and a statement of your problem.
  5. Think about which idea will make you happy and excited to talk to others.
  6. Sometimes, it’s okay if others are already doing it. If a lot of people are doing it, it means there are some real problems there. Make it better in a different way.

Also, this twitter thread is super helpful for me while I am thinking about ideas

Problem areas I am Interested

Currently, I’m struggling to find what problem is the right problem to solve, which one is interesting and most importantly, what is the real problem? What problem is worth spending a year to solve?


  1. Best places to take photographs
  2. Booking photographers. Like Uber, anyone can be a photographer.


  1. In tech companies, we make presentations every day. Making presentations consumes tons of time. How to solve that problem ⏰
  2. How can we improve the process of sharing our screens with projectors more easily? It may be for conferences, meetings, team presentations [Dongles 😂]

3. During conferences there is a big disconnect between the audience and presenter because there is no way we can communicate our questions easily to the presenter. People who have strong voices and speak English are the ones who ask the questions. 💬


  1. How can we make the e-commerce review process more natural and shared by normal people instead of celebrities?
  2. How can we sell all our extra things and unwanted tech items easily? Instead of writing lots, how can we just capture, talk and sell?


  1. What about a social network for dogs with personalized ID badges? 🐶
  2. What about the community to share really good expert people in our circle? For example, my sister is good at drawing, my friend is good at fishing, they don’t have jobs yet) 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦
  3. Co-founder app where people can connect with all their friends and find the co-founders that match their interests.

Onboarding People to a new company or school

During my first year, my SIPSD project was about onboarding freelancers to a new company. I really like that area, maybe I can try continuing that.

  1. How can we provide seamless onboarding for new designers join a team? Because the work culture has changed over the past 10 years, people want to be flexible and want to change companies but every time they move, they have to learn a new design culture and org structure.

Feeling: Confused 🤯

Next Steps: Brainstorm out of my box

Comments section: What problems do you think is exciting to solve?

