File Approved got an upgrade!

Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2022

We’ve made some big changes (and with that comes a long email with the list of updates)!

Since we launched File Approved not too long ago, we’ve been listening to all your feedback, dreaming of a future when File Approved would be bigger, better and more user-friendly than ever!

We’re happy to announce File Approved 2.0!

With this update, we’ve moved our entire backend to a most future-proof platform, which means a faster app for you and us being able to roll out upgrades faster and more frequently.

Want to skip the reading? CLICK HERE to watch our quick UPDATE OVERVIEW VIDEO.

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File Approved pretty much looks the same as before. The feedback we’ve gotten is that people love the simple and minimalistic look and feel, compared to other competitors, so we did not want to change that.


One of the best things about the update are all the new filetypes that are now supported! File Approved now supports WEB-P, GIF, WEB-M, WAV, and O.G.V. formats, with more coming soon!

We’ve added little icons next to the filenames on your dashboard, so you can quickly see what kind of file it is.

We’ve made managing your subscription easier, so now if you want to cancel your subscription, you can do it from your settings page, without needing to contact support.

You can now only require reviewers to fill out one of the credential fields, by checking the “Turn off secondary input” box. This way, the reviewer will only see the first required credential they need to put in before they can approve your file or leave feedback.

Now, when you upload a file, it is pretty instant to take you to the file review page, so we made grabbing the file type quicker. This is more of a backend thing, but I thought I would still share it.

On the file review page, on your end, we made the comment text copyable, so now you don’t have to look and type a comment out in another program, like in an email or in a project management program.

Per a feedback request we got from a reviewer, we made the comment box larger, so reviewers with more to say can put it in the comment box, without needing to lose track of where they are.

We also implemented a popup box that will appear if a reviewer left comments but did not hit the “submit” button. This happened a lot with the old version of File Approved, where they would leave comments and just close the page, so this should fix that, where it will warn them that their comments will not be saved unless they submit.

We make it easier for reviewers to understand what they need to do on the review page, so once they put in their credentials, they will just be given an option to approve it or leave feedback.

Lastly, now you can hit the enter key on most places in the app to submit things!

We still have a long list of things we are working on to make File Approved even better, so be sure to check out our Road Map or send us some feedback via a support ticket!

Because this was such a massive move, none of your old files could be moved to the new platform, but we still have the old platform up and running. So, if you need to access it, you can go with

You won’t be able to upload any new files, but you can download your files and approval receipts. We’ll keep this active for another month or so, so you have enough time to download old files.

For those of you who are coming back or even for new users, we have a 50% off coupon code to signup for the new and improved File Approved, just use the code WELCOME BACK. Of course, you still get a full 7-day trial, so be sure to take advantage of that too.

Thanks again so much for using File Approved and let us know what you think!

- The File Approved Team

