Sustainable design for Filedgr

Eric Falk
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Recently we have decided to give our brand a makeover at Filedgr.

We became aware of the sustainable design movement, by reading content from different sources it became clear, design has an impact on sustainability. In example bright colours require more energy to be rendered on screens, large data packages, such as high res images, need more energy to be transferred and so on. In printed media font types can have an impact on how much ink or toner is used for the printout. Apparently we will say go paperless, but come on, so far we haven’t seen leaps of progress in that direction .

We immediately knew, this is how our brand should be represented, caring all those details. We teamed up with Stephan from edelweisz, he loved the concept and we loved his designs. In the interview below you will learn more about sustainable design firsthand. Thanks again Stephan! Be assured we are working on the ISS thing.

How did you get into sustainable design?

I read a white paper of French company haploide about how designers should also consider sustainability in their work. Beside of this I have some clients — like Filedgr — that are paying more and more attention to the subject and want their print and digital products as sustainable as possible designed.

Is sustainable design getting some attention, or is it still unknown what can be achieved?

Sustainability in design is not yet as popular as in other branches (except in product design), but for sure in the rise. As it touches ever more parts of our private and business life, we designers need to think about, how our actions affect the overall situation. Starting with the responsible usage of space, color and materials in print to the carbon footprint of web design and digital design: graphic and visual designers need to shift the focus away from just user/consumer-friendly but also eco-friendly design. As Dieter Rams said it already in one of his design rules: Good design is sustainable.

You have certainly heard of web3.0 and NFTs. For you as a creative, what is your take on it?

I think especially the blockchain technology has the possibilities to reshape our future, like very few other technologies. Trust and reliability are a currency easy to obtain in face-to-face deals, but hard to get in a globalised world. Here it can bridge the gap to a more trustworthy net-culture. I like the idea of protecting artworks digitally with NFTs, so designers and artists can get the reward they deserve for their work and don’t have to deal with expensive and complex copyright infringes. In my opinion we are at the beginning of the next big restructuring of the internet itself. I hope we can evade earlier mistakes and make it the place it was always meant to be.

You know our mascot Owllisa, of course, you gave her a new appearance, what do you think would be a crazy place she should be on?

As I’m a big fan of science fiction and space exploration, I would get tears in my eyes if a mascot created by me, would be visiting the ISS or making its way to the surface of the Moon or Mars. But for the beginning I would already be happy to see her as a sticker on some laptops or as a plush toy on some devs or designers desk, respectively in their childs hands :)

