FileMaker DevCon 2018: Training Day (Monday)

Claris Editorial Team
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2018

Monday, many DevCon attendees got their “book learnin’” on and participated in extended morning and afternoon training sessions on a variety of topics.

I popped into all the sessions and was excited to see the level of participation that I did. I was also pleasnatly surpirsed to see the Advanced sessions for “Javascript for FileMaker Developers” and “Integration” standing room only — a testament that maybe the FileMaker community is hungry for more advanced topics.

Here are some other random notes that I jotted down throughout the day

  • It was great to see the morning and afternoon “Beginner 1” and “Beginner 2” sessions so well attended as the community is always looking for an infusion of “new blood.” These sessions were a fantastic introduction to the FileMaker platform.
  • Everyone could benefit from the intermdeiate “Relationships” session as this is arguably one of the most misunderstood features of the FileMaker platform. If you think you know enough about relationships, you likely do not.
  • If I had the time and could only pick one session to sit through from beginning to end today it would have been the intermediate “Layout and Design” sessions but to each their own.
  • Much like the “Relationships” session above, anyone and everyone could benefit from sitting in on the intermediate “FileMaker Shared Hosting Master Class” as it was a great overview of both FileMaker Server and FileMaker Cloud.

“What room is _____ in?”

I know I mentioned DevCon2Go in yesterday’s blog entry but I unintentionally ignored those who may not have an iOS device.

For those, DevCon2Go is not a viable alternative. Instead, I’d recommend bookmarking the DevCon schedule page from http://www.filemaker.comon your mobile device. While it will not dynamically update like DevCon2Go does, it will provide you with the information you need to find the sessions you are looking for. The DevCon schedule URL is:

Or, if all else fails, find a FileMaker, Inc. employee in a dark blue polo shirt and we will be happy to help you out.

Opening Keynote — “Shhh…we cannot talk about it!”

The Opening Keynote is a highlight, and for many THEhighlight, of any DevCon.

However, even though I am a FileMaker, Inc. employee, I cannot talk publically about what was discussed either. However, I think I can safely say what was not discussed during the Opening Keynote:

  • FileMaker Pro Advanced for Pets
  • The Let’s Get (This Started Already) function will be in FileMaker Next
  • FileMaker Pro Advanced will support “Flippy” as an animated folder, pop-up assistant
  • FileMaker Pro Advanded is now available exclusively on 3.5” diskettes
  • “The Wedge” cologne for men.

Needless to say, none of these are happening…EVER! :-)

And congratulations to the winners of the 25 t-shirts given out during the Opening Keynote. I bet you’ll never sit in a chair in an DevCon Opening Keynote the same way again after Monday night.


With Monday being training day we had a lot of attendees asking questions about session rooms.

Note that all the sessions are on the same level / area where you registered and picked up your conference badge and are in the various Texas sessions rooms. The session rooms ending in numbers (Texas 1–3 and Texas 4–6) are down the hallway to your right as you get off the escalator while the ones ending in letters (Texas A, Texas B, Texas C, and Texas D) are to your left.

To complcate matters somewhat, Texas B and Texas D are down a hall that looks off limits to everyone but hotel staff. I assure you it is OK and if you follow the signs no one will ask you, “what are you doing back here?”

Last but not least — the food! Remember, that the Longhorn F conference space — where the Product Showcase is — is two floors down from the Texas ballrooms and where you registered. If you are hungry, save yourself an unnecessary trip up and down the esclators and eat before coming up for the sessions.

TUESDAY’s DEVCON highlights

  • All conference attendees are invited to a special sessionin the Tate Ballroom from 9:00AM to 10:30AM featuring speakers from FileMaker Product Management and Andrew LeCates, Director of Platform Evangelism. And remember to bring your “T-shirt” token with you which will be redeemable after this session!!!
  • The Product Showcaseis open all day and is waiting for you to explore. Visit with all the vendors at the conference and see what new offering and products they have. The Product Showcase is open from 8AM to 5PM today.
  • While in the Product Showcase, stop by the Visionary Barto get answers and advice from FileMaker Business Alliance members on almost any topic. These experts have a wide variety of experience so you can get the help you need to solve your development challenges.
  • Next to the Visionary Bar is Tech Support Central.Stop by and visit with members of FileMaker, Inc.’s technical support and quality assurance departments if you discovered a bug or have a product issue you would like to discuss. And for the record, I’ll be helping out in Tech Support Central throughoiut the week so stop by and say, “Hello!”
  • The annual Women of FileMaker luncheontakes place in the High Planes Ballroom at 12PM. The theme of the luncheon this year is “Women in Tech: Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, Looking to the Future” and is included in your official FileMaker Developer Conference registration. First-time DevCon attendees are especially welcome.
  • Meet with FileMaker Product Development, enjoy light hors d’oeuvres, and get answers to your questions about FileMaker features, best practices, and anything else related to the FileMaker Platform at the Fireside Chatin the Tate Ballroom at 6PM. This sessions is open to all attendees.

Most important — have a great first day of session and tune in tomorrow for more highlights.

