FileMaker Go Pizza Counter for iPad

Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2013


One of the great things about FileMaker is it’s ability to quickly create useful solutions quickly. That’s why FileMaker is the #1 rapid application development software in the world. Our local FileMaker Developer Group in the Twin Cities (FMPUG-MN) has monthly meetings and orders pizza for the group each time. With 30 people in attendance on a regular basis, it’s a challenge to order the right amount of pizza and the kinds people want the most.

So…I spent some time putting together fmPizzaCount for the iPad. It takes the most popular pizza choice options and allows you to pass around an iPad before the meeting so everyone can order exactly the slices they want. It summarizes how many pizzas you need to order at the bottom (assuming 8 slices/large pizza). You could easily modify it to do other things. That’s the power of FileMaker.

Download the FREE fmPizzaCount solution for your iPad to play around with it. Get FileMaker Go for your iPad for FREE here. You can also download the app on your desktop workstation and use FileMaker Pro to edit/change it to meet your needs. Get a FREE trial of FileMaker Pro here.

We made fmPizzaCount able to take a credit card payment as well. Using the power of or, you can set up an account to sell a product. Create a “Pizza” product for the amount you want contributed, then just insert the URL for that into the Prefs. Then each person can pay for their pizza individually without needing cash.





We build brilliant custom tech solutions that make work more effective, productive, and profitable. Experts in FileMaker, WordPress, mobile, GIS, and Apple.