FileMaker, Inc., a subsidiary of Apple Inc., and 42 Silicon Valley today announced a partnership to develop the next generation of custom app developers.

Claris Editorial Team
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2017


SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — FileMaker, Inc., a subsidiary of Apple Inc., and 42 Silicon Valley today announced a partnership to develop the next generation of custom app developers. The partnership is a strategic move to recruit the area’s top tech talent, gain digital and human competitive advantages, and feed recruiting pipelines for FileMaker Business Alliance partners.

FileMaker, Inc. will host students and staff from 42 Silicon Valley on Apple’s campus as part of the partnership launch, a symbol of the commitment to innovation and technology advancement from both parties. Students will view an introduction to custom app development and to the curriculum of the training the selected 42 Silicon Valley students will receive. Students will then complete six month internships with FileMaker Business Alliance Partners during which they’ll be tasked with creating custom apps to solve real business challenges.

Brad Freitag, Vice President of Worldwide Sales at FileMaker, Inc. and executive sponsor of the partnership, commented on why the 42 partnership is significant for FileMaker, Inc.: “By partnering with 42 Silicon Valley, we are able to connect their talented developers with our FileMaker community in what is truly a win-win situation. These students will get exposed to the real-life custom app development work that FileMaker partners are doing across industries, and it will introduce them to the unique aspects of the FileMaker platform. At the same time, the FileMaker community gets the opportunity to work with a new breed of ambitious young developers.”

Apps have become a critical access point, customer service point, and data collection point in today’s world. Freitag continued, “Apps are no longer a nice-to-have; they are a necessity for competitive advantage. Data is essential to making the kind of decisions needed to maintain and grow business profitability. That’s largely why we offer custom app development and professional services to our Business Alliance partners. FileMaker depends on top tech talent to deliver this offering as a business.”

FileMaker is streamlining its recruiting, increased its efficiency, and is seeing a strong ROI in its 42 partnership. “We don’t care that students don’t have degrees,” said Freitag. “The way the 42 program is designed, as an employer, you have confidence in the knowledge and capacities 42 students have when you recruit because their entire program is mastery-based. These students are resourceful, creative, problem-solvers, and autonomous, everything you want in a developer.”

Kwame Yamgnane, Co-founder & Managing Director of 42 Silicon Valley, commented: “We’re thrilled to partner with FileMaker. We want partnerships that fuel innovation, product development and recruiting pipelines.”

About FileMaker, Inc.
FileMaker, Inc., an Apple subsidiary, delivers a unified platform for easily creating custom apps that work seamlessly across iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac, and the web. Business teams use the FileMaker Platform to streamline their operational processes, boosting overall productivity.

About 42 Silicon Valley
42 Silicon Valley is an innovative coding college with the best software engineering program in America. With no teachers, courses, or classes, 42 is disrupting higher education models using project-based and peer-to-peer learning with gamification to develop students with real-world skills ready for the workplace.

Contact 42 Silicon Valley:
Jennifer Robertson

Contact FileMaker, Inc:
Jessica Pasko

