Why The World Needs More Apps Built on IPFS.
Censorship over the Internet has been present over the past years. In 2011, during the Arab Springs, it was announced that it would completely end up and silence the massive wave of protests by citizens. This action made Facebook and Twitter, the two main social networks that citizens used to coordinate themselves, fully inoperative. This clearly proves that we Have A Slow, Fragile And Forgetful Internet.
On the other hand, we have IPFS.
IPFS is a new peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol that aims to supplement, or possibly even replace, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that rules the web now. Here’s the problem with HTTP: When you go to a website today, your browser has to be directly connected to the computers that are serving that website, even if their servers are far away and the transfer process eats up a lot of bandwidth. Data providers get charged because each network has a peering agreement, while each network hop costs money to the data provider and wastes bandwidth. Worse, HTTP downloads a file from a single computer at a time, instead of getting pieces from multiple computers simultaneously. — TechCrunch
Summarizing, with decentralization and IPFS we can avoid censorship, seizure, access control and make things easier and faster to change and to adapt to society needs; it also gives people more freedom to empower themselves.
It is true, though, that everybody talks about decentralization nowadays and people build companies around it. But as it has been proved there are not lots of real decentralized use cases.
FileNation is a product build with IPFS and wants to contribute to the Decentralization Revolution and be an essential part of it by getting to millions of users.
That’s why, we are about to introduce The new FileNation v0.3 Alpha. A brand new version of our product, with a more attractive and intuitive design.
The new email design allows users to add custom messages to the receiver and the website has a new file uploading engine. More to come.
We are very proud to be working with this amazing technology and show you the new FileNation v0.3 Alpha in the next few days. Together, we wish to continue working to contribute to the decentralization revolution.
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Thanks David Andres for helping.