I don’t relate to my birth sign. Astrology is a lie.

Understand, once and for all, why you might not relate to your birth sign.

Ana Casilas
Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2019



I must warn you this article does not intend to prove astrology is fake .

I am sorry if you came here thirsty for an ironic comment about how astrology “divides the complexity of people into twelve narrow categories” — hey, there are 7 billion people on earth, ok, and you think that a constellation onto the sky will influence you somehow, pff, this is not science, man, i’m very much into science, i don’t know if you know.

Maybe it was the title that got you here with that false promise, and i am really sorry for it, but this text is being written by a member of the “astrology is kinda nice” virtual faction (yes, the internet has ruined the things that i love).

But there is some amount of truth in that phrase I've been hearing, repeatedly, for more than 10 years now, and that I believe deserves to be approached with caution.

The truth lies in the fact that many people seem not to relate to their birth sign.

And many of them conclude that astrology HAS to be fake because of that, in which case it’s only a matter of a greater narcissistic complex, after all, what kind of world would it be if I were not the living parameter for all the things that lay between heaven and earth?

I mean, if you really think astrology is fake because you don’t relate to your birth sign, I just want you to know that all is fine! You are free to think whatever pleases you the most and I’m not here to convince you otherwise (even though you are, still, probably, a capricorn). And even if you do not have an opinion as solid as that, just don’t think the “esoteric-zodiac-horoscope” paradigm is for you, everything is just as fine, we’re all at home here.

I would only like to discuss, from an astrological point of view, why so many people seem not to relate to their birth sign and, who knows, maybe I’ll contribute to diminish the distrust astrology raises all around.

First of all, depending on your level of intimacy with the astrological field, I feel obligated to let you know your solar sign is just a single piece of information within a larger system that is the natal chart of an individual. This system includes at least other 30 indicators which combine among themselves randomly to create even further information, leading to a really large number of interpretative possibilities regarding yourself.

In traditional astrology, the sun is directly linked to the expression of individuality, to the expansive energy that fills in our sense of identity and that pushes us through life in a state of internal truth.

As we can easily conclude, sun symbolism can provide deep meaning to everyone and, because of that, sun sign astrology has become very popular. The idea is that your solar sign describes the primal substance that constitutes your self, your most innate pattern of individuality expression and, as a result, constitutes the most apt information to describe, generically, the substance of what you are.

The thing is a lot of people claim they do not relate to their birth sign.

And the truth is, more frequently than not, they just don’t know themselves very well.

Now you must be thinking this is a “easy way out”, but I will try to remember you I’m not here in a position to convince you of anything. There are other technical reason why there might be a disconnection between a subject and it’s solar sign, but, in my experience, the main reason is simply the disconnection between the subject and it’s truth.

So, if you are really sure you do not relate to your birth sign, I’m proposing the following imagination exercise: how about you consider, for at least 5 minutes, that you, possibly, don’t know yourself that well? Or that you are not willing to see yourself underneath all the many masks we’re used to wear?

Like I said, in my experience, this is a good solution to “I do not relate to my birth sign” cases, but it takes some time and disposition to really see oneself.

In other cases, the greater lesson that can be pulled out of this disconnection feeling is the realization you are still in need to become what your solar sign indicates. And for me, there lies one of the prettiest things the natal chart study can teach us.

The great truth is this: the birth sign is not the starting gate of a natal chart, but simply it’s finish line.

And even if you do identify to your solar sign, the content of that sign and of that identification is bound to change after the thorough reading of your natal chart and, by extension, of your life experiences.

A natal chart is not only a map, but a representation of time and space and, as you study and interpret the meaning of it’s astrological houses, you symbolically, live fragments of life, pieces of experience. Before you turn 27, you haven’t even experienced all of your planetary positions and, therefore, still have a great amount of things to figure out about yourself.

But as you interpret your natal chart, house by house, new information will be reveled to yourself: expression, constitution, fundamentals, personal values, collective values, potentials, challenges and even karma (for those who believe in it).

Make no mistake, it is an overwhelming number of information, description and positions that may or may not seemingly contradict themselves and leave you feeling rather crushed and lost. But, fear not, for there is this one piece of information that was especially placed in your natal chart which can help you translate your cosmic travel in a brilliant way.

Your birth sign.

This is it. This is the helping hand of the zodiac. It will come rolling down until it hits you in the face: this is why I am a pisces, this is why I have to be a pisces.

Which means it’s not really about knowing “how pisces are”, but rather what being a pisces means to you, considering all of your natal chart pattern. And then, you start claiming for yourself the content of this information, of that which you will become throughout your life, because the content of your solar sign can make your life experience both simpler and more meaningful.

It is so important that we start unlinking the things we do from the things we are, if we wanna take the most advantage out of astrology. Habits or behavior are always temporary qualities. The substance that lays behind one’s behavior is what really matters, especially regarding the birth sign. You do not stop being a gemini because you are an introvert, it is not how it works.

And there is a lot of power in it. Your birth sign is not a rigid framework of how you think, speak, walk, sleep and have sex and to which you must submit. It is not even the definition of what you have been so far.

You are a work in progress. And your solar sign is like a compass, forever indicating the path which most integrates the form and the substance of everything you have been, are now and intend to become.

And for those reasons, any time I’m confronted with the “I’m not my birth sign” cases, I always say: but maybe you should be.

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