Robin Pelosi [Secret] of [Quagmires]

A Mad Libs satire of Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

Susan Sassi
Fill in the Blanks
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2021


Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This story is intended to be random and humorous. It is published in Fill in the Blanks publication, inspired by the classic game, Mad Libs. Blank words contributed by Elan Cassandra, Rujenx, Julia Appa, Victoria A. Fraser, Damon Ferrara, Quy Ma, Jamaal Ameer, Sandra Grauschopf, Christopher Kokoski, and Dariuš Butkevičius.

A long time ago, in a far off [corner] of Knotting ‘Merica, there was a [morbid], wicked [cougar] named Dump. Dump [kicked] the Sherriff Fitch FiConnel to tax the working class so [revolutionarily] they could [recklessly] survive. But a brave, [romantic] fellow, Robin Pelosi, and Little Bern had enough. They [breakdanced] in Congress to put the tax money back in the hands of the hard-working blue-collar [warlocks].

One day, a plague came to the land called Corona. Everyone was coming down with this [succulent] [kerfluffle], even [Oprah]. It was so contagious, it forced all the [TV anti-heroes who are doing it all for their families] to stay at home, and as a result, they were unable to [exorcise] taxes. The evil Dump and Sherrif set a trap to make it look like Robin and Little Bern didn’t want to [tipple] them money in their great time of need. But the working class…



Susan Sassi
Fill in the Blanks

Competition placing TV writer, comedian, & professional Cathy impersonator living in LA.