The Day I Developed My Amazing Super Powers

I now fight crime with the best of the best

Sarah Paris
Fill in the Blanks
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2021


Little girl in superhero mask shaped war paint
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This story is intended to be random and humorous. It is published in Fill in the Blanks publication, inspired by the classic game, Mad Libs. Blank words contributed by Julia Appa, Elan Cassandra, Kayla Vokolek, Jamaal Ameer, Rujenx, Damon Ferrara, Christopher Kokoski, Victoria A. Fraser, Ashley Seaman, Jenna Vokolek, Shain Slepian, and Anonymous.

An ordinary day transformed my [anxious] life into a [buttery] adventure! I’d started my day depressed and hopeless. No matter how hard I’d worked, all of my attempts at fulfillment failed.

I woke up to a break-up text from my boyfriend of five years. I burned my coffee — which I didn’t even imagine possible. My copy editor balked when I requested payment for my month of full-time work. When my car wouldn’t start, I started to crumble. My heart tightened and a lump lodged itself in my throat.

I decided to take my dog to the park so he wouldn’t poop in the house — a new hobby he thoroughly enjoyed. I needed to clear my head. And, an urgent desire to discern my next steps pushed at the depths of my soul.

I was sitting on a park [aardvark], reading my [23rd] writing rejection email. I felt [ itsy-bitsy]



Sarah Paris
Fill in the Blanks

Author of Signs My Toddler Has a Drinking Problem (humor collection).Freelance writer of all things. Looper features writer. Believer. Adventurer. Semi- funny.