Filling the Blank Page
1 min readOct 18, 2016


Every year hundreds of thousands of promising writers set out to do National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. This is a worldwide phenomenon where authors try to write an entire first draft of their novels, 50 000 words, during November.

Here at BlankPage we’ve always admired the tenacity and community of NaNoWriMo. Most of us have participated, and one of us is even a winner!

So we wanted to help out in any way we can. That’s why BlankPage now integrates directly with the NaNoWriMo website so that every word you write in your selected manuscript is officially counted towards your NaNoWriMo goal!

Anyone signing up will also get a free ride all through November, to make it as easy as possible to win.

Log into BlankPage right now to set up your NaNoWriMo novel and be ready for November!

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Filling the Blank Page

Helping you to fill that page. Write every day. BlankPage is a service that helps you stay motivated and write more.