10 Minute Rule For Filmmakers — Glen Reynolds

Film Courage write.film.create
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Film Courage: When you’re reviewing a movie that a potential client has sent you, are you watching the whole movie?

Glen Reynolds, Founder of Circus Road Films: Yeah, unless it isn’t very good.

Film Courage: You have a limit?

Glen: Yeah. If I enjoy it, I watch it all the way through. Then as I’m hired, I usually watch it again before I start talking about it because usually there’s a few weeks between that moment and when I actually start doing it, so I’m usually watching my films twice. I think there are a lot of films though where you just kind of like I can’t sell it. Why? You know within 10 minutes. There are lots of out of focus stuff or the acting is really bad. There’s a lot of bad movies out there that no one ever sees that I get to watch a little bit of.

Film Courage: What would make you turn it off after let’s say 10 minutes? Do you have a rule I’ll give it a certain amount of time?

Glen: Yeah, it’s more instinctive. It’s more I don’t think anybody out of the circle of friends of the person who…



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Film Courage

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