4 Minutes Of Crowdfunding Wisdom From 25 Filmmakers

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Published in
6 min readJun 1, 2017
Watch this 4-minute video here on Youtube

4 Minutes Of Crowdfunding Wisdom From 25 Filmmakers — hear what they have to say.

Watch the full interview with Emily Best

Emily Best (Seed & Spark): The word ‘crowd-funding’ is a compound word. There are two words in that word and the first word is not there because it is a prettier word. It’s there because it’s a more important word.

Watch the full interview with Richard Botto

Richard Botto (Stage 32): I just can’t stress it enough that especially when it comes to crowdfunding, it all comes down to relationships and it all comes down to building those relationships and keeping those relationships.

Watch the full interview with Sheri Candler

Sheri Candler (Author): I’m not saying you need millions of people but you need a core group of people because those are the ones who are going to help you spread the word. You’re not going to be able to spread via word of mouth all by yourself.

Watch the full interview with Brian Jun

Brian Jun (Filmmaker): We’re all encouraged in our life that we can do whatever we want, that we are entitled to achieve our dreams and we can do “this” and we can do “that.” And with crowdfunding people think that “Oh, well now that’s the answer to my question. I just put my project up there and since I’m entitled to have a dream, I’m entitled to write a book or make a movie or be a ballet dancer or put on my theatre production. That people now are going to give me money.”

Watch the full interview with Spike Lee

Spike Lee (Filmmaker): We shot SHE’S GOTTA HAVE IT in 1985. We were doing Kickstarter before there was Kickstarter! We just didn’t have the technology.

Watch the full interview with Alexis Kirke

Alexis Kirke (Professor): Generating a fan base. Ah, now that’s the question. I’ve never solved the generating a fan-base question.

Watch the full interview with Ryan Koo

Ryan Koo (NoFilmSchool.com): I never would have launched a campaign for 6 figures if I hadn’t spent two years building an online audience with a website.

Watch the full interview with Jon Reiss

Jon Reiss (Author and Instructor): The way you structure your campaign will largely determine whether you are successful or not.

Watch the full interview with Alexis Kirke

Alexis Kirke: I certainly know I’ve been on the other side of the crowdfunding thing. It’s been quite tempting to think “Wow, I could be part of this movie!” and the guy is not famous or anything but maybe it will be a successful movie and I’ll have been part of it.

Watch the full interview with Hunter Weeks

Hunter Weeks (Filmmaker): I try my hardest to try to stay connected online wherever with people who are really reaching out to me. I don’t see why we shouldn’t be.

Watch the full interview with Gabriel Diani and Etta Devine

Etta Devine and Gabriel Diani (Filmmakers and Actors): It’s really surprising that no one gets back to you…so…I don’t know what that is?

Watch the full interview with Mike Hedge

Mike Hedge (Filmmaker): It’s a race. Your crowdfunding is like a real amazing time where it’s just like you can’t think about anything other than getting the word out and making an update video. And posting new things and getting people interested in trying to get film blogs to talk about it.

Watch the full interview with Merete Mueller and Christopher Smith

Merete Mueller and Christopher Smith (Filmmakers): I think one of the really lucky things about our project is that we had the tiny house community there ready to kind of help us get the word out.

Watch the full interview with Chad Diez and Art Hall

Chad Diez and Art Hall (Filmmakers and Actors): Not having a good pitch video (to me) I feel like is…the ones I’ve seen I’m like “I would never donate to that because the video wasn’t good.” Whether it was production value or just the pitch wasn’t good. I just didn’t feel like it was a compelling enough story.

Watch the full interview with Marz Zicree

Marc Zicree (Author and Filmmaker): I put a couple months in on the video and part of it…one thing I recognized with Kickstarter that was very, very clear is that you have to have a personal touch.

Watch the full interview with Joke and Biagio

Joke and Biagio (TV Producers): I would not have had a successful Kickstarter, we would not have had a successful Kickstarter campaign if we weren’t truly, 100% passionate about the film.

Watch the full interview with Patrick Shen

Patrick Shen (Filmmaker): We researched a lot of campaigns. We probably looked at about a 100 different campaigns. We watched all the videos, we looked at the rewards, the perk structure, all the text on the actual Kickstarter page.

Watch the full interview with Angel Valerio and Christopher Miles

Angel Valerio and Christopher Miles (Filmmakers and Actors): Sometimes you get discouraged. “Wow, I just sent like 1,000 emails and it’s still not moving!” and then “Oh, yeah! Somebody pledged.” I’m like “Okay, we’re good. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep going.”

Watch the full interview with Nicolas Alcala

Nicolas Alcala (Filmmaker and Speaker): I think for short films and books and albums and any other things, that if it’s [the campaign asking amount] below $30,000, it’s great. Over that [amount], you’re going to have a hard time. You might be lucky. But one out of a thousand is going to be successful and the rest is going to fail.

Watch the full interview with Andy Viner

Andy Viner (Filmmaker): It does get people involved and creates an audience that wants to see your movie and that’s invaluable but there’s…I guess what I would say is that none of these things come without…you don’t gain something without giving something up.

Watch the full interview with Miguel Duran and Violeta Reina Duran

Miguel Duran and Violeta Reina Duran (Filmmakers): That’s one of those cases where our entire momentum went back to zero and it was very hard not just to start up from that point but to start off from a really, really low point.

Watch the full interview with Judy Chaikin

Judy Chaikin (Filmmaker): Well I think any pursuit that you do in life is filled with failures and successes and you often learn more from your failures than your success, so of course you have to pick yourself up, what else? Are you going to lie in the dirt the rest of your life? It’s not an option!

Watch the full interview here on Youtube
Watch the video interview on Youtube here


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