Do Dreams Still Come True In Hollywood? by Stanley M. Brooks

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2020
(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)

Film Courage: Thinking back to when you worked in the mailroom, you’d attended AFI, you then worked in the mailroom. There are many people in a similar spot. They look around [at their job] and say to themselves “How long has this person been here? I don’t want to end up like that. I want to be directing and producing.” This is a common thing. It’s a common trait of youth, you think “I’m not going to be that person.” How does someone get out of this? I’m sure many of those people in those positions planned the same thing? Then life happens, kids happen, mortgages happen.

Stanley M. Brooks, Filmmaker/Producer: I think for everyone that has a dream of being in show business there is that moment where you start at the very bottom of whatever that entry level is and it’s different for everyone but a lot of us started in the mailroom.

For me I was having breakfast with my grandfather who was a very important role model in my life the Friday before the first day in the mailroom. And he said to me What are you going to do to get noticed?…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)

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Film Courage

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