How To Conquer Hollywood And Achieve Screenwriting Success — Gary W Goldstein [FULL INTERVIEW]

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2022


Film Courage: J.F. Lawton had been writing screenplays and trying to break into Hollywood for years, do you think that would have happened if he hadn’t met you?

Gary: My belief is that J.F. Lawton was so profoundly talented (I see this in a number of people in front of and behind the camera) that eventually I have to hope and believe that he would have made it. But one of the things I would say is at the time I was more manager than producer when I met him (lit manager) and you’re right, he was living in a one-room studio apartment in the Rampart district of Hollywood back then a very let’s just say colorful if not dangerous experienced on a day-to-day basis and he had dropped out of film school and I’m not sure if I’ve shared this before but the way we met was I had bought one of the early MacIntosh computers and a screenwriter friend of mine was working on one but you couldn’t just plug them in and work on them, someone had to program them. I said How did you make it work? And they said Hire Jonathan, so I did. Three weeks…



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Film Courage

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