How Trevor White Left His Studio Job, Started A Production Company and Began Making Hollywood Movies

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2018


(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)

Director/producer Trevor White shares how he left his studio job, started Star Thrower Entertainment production company with brother Tim White and began making movies. His credits include A CROOKED SOMEBODY, THE POST, INGRID GOES WEST, LBJ movie and more. Trevor and Tim White’s latest film A CROOKED SOMEBODY is also available on DIRECTV CINEMA and in theaters.

Film Courage: I understand you and your brother Tim grew up in Annapolis, Maryland?

Trevor White, Producer/Director: Yes.

Film Courage: How was the movie going experience in Annapolis?

Trevor: I think it was normal. I think it was your quintessential small town movie going experience. That’s how I would spend my weekends, I would go see one, two (maybe) three movies a weekend. It was my favorite thing to do. And I saw everything in a theater or went to Blockbuster.

I’m pretty sure every week there were multiple Blockbusters in our house, just on a cycle.

Film Courage: So that was the weekend plan to just sort of movie binge?

Trevor: And sports but yeah…movies were a huge part of it.



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Film Courage

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