Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2015


“I’ve Heard Gen Y Referred To As The Jilted Generation” — Filmmaker Alex Barrett on LIFE JUST IS

Writer/Director of LIFE JUST IS — Alex Barrett

“I think each generation has its own challenges. One of the initial ideas behind the film was to look at the differences between Generation X and Generation Y, and that survives a little bit through the character of Bobby — he’s only a few years older, but he’s light years apart from the others in so many ways. And there are certainly challenges that we’ve had to face that others didn’t. I’ve heard Gen Y referred to as the ‘jilted generation,’ and I think there’s something in that.” Alex Barrett

Alex in 2004

Film Courage: Hardest truth for you leaving college?

Alex: Probably the blind indifference of the film industry to yet another graduate who wanted to make a film. When I graduated, I started networking and meeting people, and I was surprised by how jaded and cynical people seemed to be about the industry… But it didn’t take me long to understand that viewpoint. It’s a tough industry to crack — ten years after graduating, I’m still trying!

Film Courage: Biggest joy leaving college?

Alex: I’m not sure if I’d call it a ‘joy’, but I suppose the best thing about it is the wide field of possibilities that lies before you — for that brief moment between education and work, there’s no structure in life, so the world is wide open.

Film Courage: Should young people graduating college have an idealized sense of the world or a realist’s point of view (albeit negative if true)?

Alex: I’d plump for the realist point of view, especially if they have a difficult goal to achieve. It’s easy for idealism to turn into cynicism and defeat, whereas someone with a more realistic attitude might find it easier to go the distance.

Film Courage: Have you ever suffered a Quarter Life Crisis?

Alex: Not to the extent of Pete in ‘Life Just Is’, but I’ve certainly had moments where I’ve felt things haven’t been going my way and I haven’t achieved what I wanted to by the age that I wanted to achieve them by. But I think that’s normal — it’s the twentysomething version of teenage angst….(read more here from Alex Barrett on his film LIFE JUST IS — now on Yekra).



Film Courage
Film Courage

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