If You Don’t Want To Write It, Who Wants To Read It? — Lux Raven

Film Courage write.film.create
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash

Film Courage: How did you discover that you were a writer?

Lux Raven, Watty-winning Romance Author / Wattpad Creator: It wasn’t so much that I thought of myself as a writer, I was just writing all the time. I wrote a lot as a kid. I was always writing poetry. I was writing stories. I was just making stuff. People were telling me I was a writer. It was like Oh, you’re a writer, you write things. Okay, I guess I am. I guess I relate. That makes sense.

I think it was a gradual process where I was just doing the thing. I was making stuff that I found interesting and somewhere along the line I was a writer. It just already happened.

Film Courage: Have you always written stories for fun?

Lux: For a while I did. When I was younger I was just all about making things. In my teen years I wrote a lot, fanfiction and whatever came to my mind. I had stuff to say.

I studied journalism in college. I started doing more professional writing. I thought I’m not any good at fiction. I’m going



Film Courage write.film.create
Film Courage

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