My Story Can Beat Up Your Story — Jeffrey Alan Schechter [FULL INTERVIEW]

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2023


My Story Can Beat Up Your Story! by Jeffrey Alan Schechter [Michael Wiese Productions]
(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)

Film Courage: What script did you sell for a million dollars?

Jeffrey: Wow. So the script I sold for a million dollars was something called Stanley’s Cup and this is at this point, it’s kind of ancient history, it was 1995. I was approached by a producer who had this idea for a hockey movie and he went to another writer who was not available. I guess my agent at that time felt I had a similar writing style to the writer he really wanted and so he agreed to develop it with me. We developed it out together. I remember reading it before doing the big distribution and I had this weird experience. I read the script and got teary at the end at the climax of my own story, which really doesn’t happen that much. Maybe while watching my Bar Mitzvah video I’ll get a little weepy, but while reading the script generally I’m not affected that way. I went Oh, I think I might have something here because it just touched me in some weird way even though I had literally just finished the script, I was just rereading it. We went out with the script and almost immediately started getting interest. We went out with the script on a Tuesday and almost immediately started…



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Film Courage

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