Story Maps: How To Write A GREAT Screenplay — Daniel Calvisi [FULL INTERVIEW]

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2024


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Film Courage: How important is story analysis for a screenwriter?

Script Doctor, Writing Coach, and Author Daniel Calvisi: I think it’s the main way to learn screenwriting. I think it’s actually more important than writing. Maybe that’s because I worked as a reader on the job for studios and production companies and I learned so much on the job. I think forcing yourself to take apart a script or a movie or a TV show and do written analysis, forcing yourself to write down an analysis of it for some reason just gives you a better learning experience than just if you watch a movie and say Oh, okay I can see that it’s in four acts and there was a big midpoint. If you force yourself to analyze it on paper I think it really helps.

Film Courage: How much do you think new screenwriters realize this? Don’t they think that it’s just an innate talent and I have these amazing stories in my head? All of this doesn’t matter. I need to get my story out.



Film Courage
Film Courage

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