There’s No Right Way To Approach A-List Talent — Ramfis Myrthil

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2023


Film Courage: How do you attract name talent to a movie?

Ramfis Myrthil, Film Producer, Film Consultant and Speaker: I think a lot of it is just being genuine. At the end of the day whether it’s film or not film or whatever position, it’s just being authentic and genuine because people can sense the BS if you’re just trying to sell them or whatever. I always come from a place of authenticity and telling them why I want to work with them, whether it’s in an email or social media or whatever the case is. What I’ve done is that I’ve figured out where a certain actor or actress is going to be that I may want to work with, maybe they have a film premiere at a festival or I will attend a screening, a private screening that’s happening, I’ll track screenings. For example, I’m a member of BAFTA (and now it’s BAFTA America) so I can go to the BAFTA screenings in New York, LA and the UK. If there’s a particular talent that I want to work with, a lot of times they’ll end up going to a Q&A at BAFTA. I’ve approached numerous actors that way anywhere from Orlando Bloom to Mark…



Film Courage
Film Courage

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