This Is The New Business Model For All Creators — Houston Howard

Film Courage
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021


(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)

Houston Howard, Transmedia Author/Speaker: I think the new business model for creators is a business model to attack the market with IP, attack the market with IP.

How do you launch and grow IP [Intellectual Property]?

Film Courage: What is the business model for filmmakers today?

Houston: The business model for filmmakers today, it’s a complicated question because the question could be What should be the business model for filmmakers today? What is the model for filmmakers today I think still sits wholly in that traditional model of I’ve got to go to the studio and I got to option my script and go through the development process and go through that whole thing. There’s the whole traditional side of the business that’s still moving along but now on the outside of the studio system then you’re looking at a different business model that is more IP [intellectual property] focused and I think if you really study the market and understand the way the market works it’s about how do you launch and grow IP? This is not a new concept because we’ve known for decades that everything that we see on TV is always based on a book and even the stuff that we know is the most original, we think is the most original stuff we’ve ever considered and we love the…



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Film Courage

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