What Is Theme? — Michael J. Epstein

Film Courage write.film.create
Film Courage
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2022


Phantasm (1979)

Why do you like films that explore the theme of life and death?

Michael J. Epstein, Filmmaker, Writer, Musician, and Scientist: I think the reason I got interested in making art in the first place is to deal with fears and existential ideas and to get a better understanding of what it is to exist and what it is to relate to other people. Those existential ideas are the things that drive me to create art, that I love inseeing in art and the things that drive me to create art. When I’m looking at films I absolutely love thematically-driven films and the meaning of life I guess for lack of a better way to put it and the idea of what we’re facing, how do we face death, what does it mean to die, how do we experience that is really interesting topic to me.

Film Courage: Can you remember one of the first films that you watched which explored



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Film Courage

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