5 Bold Predictions For Ms. Marvel

Le'Darius Johnson
Film Cut
Published in
6 min readJun 23, 2022

Putting out some reckless predictions for how the rest of the series turns out

Image: Marvel Studios

With Ms. Marvel out on Disney+, it’s time to look towards the future of the series. The premiere did a great job at setting the ground work for what could end up being a rather enjoyable series featuring the MCU’s newest teenage hero, Kamala Khan. Now what could Marvel add to the series in future episodes? As a comic fan, I have a few different bold predictions.

Spoilers for Ms. Marvel below, you have been warned.

5. Captain Marvel Will Make An Appearance

Image: Marvel Studios

At number five is the least bold prediction of them all, just because it seems rather obvious. Kamala Khan’s favorite hero is Captain Marvel, and with so much focus surrounding her love of the hero, it’s common sense to assume we might see Carol Danvers in the series. My bet would be in an after-credit scene for the series finale. Kamala is confirmed to appear in The Marvel’s, so it simply makes the most sense to set up a connection between the two that would lead to that movie. Though many assumed Dr. Strange to appear in WandaVision due to Wanda’s connection to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but that didn’t pan out.

4. Kamala Will Learn Embiggen Herself With Her New Powers

Image: Marvel Studios

There has been much discourse among the Marvel fandom regarding Ms. Marvel’s powers being changed in the show. In the comics, Kamala is an Inhuman who can stretch her limbs and even grow in size, similar to Ant-Man when he becomes Giant-Man. In the show, it seems that Kamala’s powers are more energy-based and not of Inhuman origin(more on later). The standard explanation for the change has been the idea of Marvel not wanting Kamala to be too similar to Mr. Fantastic due to them entering the MCU around roughly the same time.

However, in the first episode, it was shown that Kamala could stretch her crystallized energy into the shape of a long hand, similar to the comic version of her powers.

Image: Marvel Comics

I think it’s fair to assume that a time will come in the series where Kamala can grow in size much as she does in the comics, but with a twist. I believe under pressure, she will create a large energy construct around herself that’s several stories high, and therefore comic fans will be able to lay their frustrations to rest.

3. The Department of Damage Control Will Be Hunting Young Heroes

Image: Marvel Studios

At the end of the first episode of Ms. Marvel, we were looked at Agent Cleary of the Department of Damage Control. We previously saw Cleary and the DODC in Spider-Man: No Way Home, investigating Peter Parker for his alleged murder of Mysterio. It seems like in Ms. Marvel; the DODC will be coming after Kamala for the use of her powers. The question, of course, is why?

In No Way Home, Cleary called out Aunt May for supporting Peter’s life as a teenage superhero, which leads me to believe that the DODC is against that concept. I think that as the MCU builds towards the Young Avengers, we will see the conversation turn towards whether or not teenagers should be allowed to become superheroes, and it is up to the DODC to stand in their way.

2. Kamala’s Bangle Will Be Revealed to Be a Nega-Band

Image: Marvel Studios

Towards the end of Ms. Marvel’s first episode, we learn that the bangle Kamala puts on for her Captain Marvel cosplay is capable of gifting her powers. There are many questions about the origin of the bangle and how it gives Kamala her capabilities. My bold prediction for the show is that the bangle is one of the Nega-Bands.

Image: Marvel Comics

In the comics, the Nega-Bands are powerful bracelets of Kree origin that gift the wearer incredible powers. Along with enhanced strength, speed and durability, it gifts the wearers teleportation, energy manipulation, and self-sustenance. For the MCU version, I think they will power down the Nega-Bands and focus on the energy manipulation aspect to explain the origin of Kamala’s energy abilities. It also helps that the Nega-Bands are of Kree origin, which would provide a perfect tie-in to Captain Marvel and the Kree. Perhaps Carol returns to Earth once she learns that a Nega-Band is on the planet.

1. Kamala Will Be Revealed to Be an Inhuman

Minor spoilers for Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Below

Image: Marvel Comics

Now for my boldest prediction: the show will reveal Kamala’s Inhuman roots. In the comics, Kamala Khan is an Inhuman, a species of humans genetically engineered by the Kree. Kamala’s Inhuman heritage is unknown to her until a Terrigen Bomb activates her latent Inhuman powers. The Terrigen Bomb releases the Terrigen Mists, a gas used to activate Inhuman powers.

After seeing a variant of the Inhuman king Black Bolt in Multiverse of Madness, I think the MCU is finally planning on jumping into the Inhumans.

Image: Marvel Studios

The Inhumans were originally planning to have their movie when Phase 3 was first announced, but that was turned into a disastrous TV show on ABC that’s no longer canon. I believe the MCU will now introduce the Inhumans their way through Kamala Khan. Whatever her bangle turns out to be, I think it will be the bangle instead of the Terrigen Mists activating her powers. Much like my Nega-Band theory, I think her being an Inhuman is another great tie-in to Captain Marvel and the Kree since it was the Kree who created the Inhumans.

Overall, here are my bold predictions for Ms. Marvel. Will any of them pan out? Probably not, but I’m no stranger to shooting for the moon and crashing down to Earth with theories.



Le'Darius Johnson
Film Cut

Just a guy who loves film, comics and other areas of popculture and loves to talk about them.