Black Widow: Where This Leads Us

My review and take on why Black Widow was a 5/10 (spoilers included)

Film Cut


Image From Marvel Studios: “Black Widow” 2021

Since 2010 every Marvel fan has waited for a Black Widow solo movie, and 11 years later, we finally got it after the long wait Covid-19 caused. I always found Natasha Romanoff to be an interesting character. I wasn’t obsessed with her, but her backstory — which the new 2021 Black Widow movie focuses on — could not be overlooked. It’s what makes her such a badass superhero.

This film was almost, and I mean almost, similar to the Spiderman ones. I mean this by the amount of humor that was sprinkled around it. I think I got used to the more serious films and shows that Marvel has come out with, but the tone could be different knowing that many of these characters are dead. Black Widow is a classic prequel, but it does a great job of not messing with or changing the timeline we are already on (no offense, Loki). This is really the first time viewers got a peek into who Romanoff is outside of being an Avenger, and I think she also gets to learn alongside us.

Meet the family

Images From Marvel Studios “Black Widow” 2020



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