Disney’s New Lawsuit

Will this become a trend?

Film Cut


Image From Marvel Studios

Just when we thought we were out of the water with the Scarlett Johansson lawsuit, Disney whips out a new one on Friday, September 24th and this time it is against Larry Lieber, our beloved Stan Lee’s brother. This topic is still fresh and not many media outlets fully understand what is going on, but I will try to break down as much as I can with the research I have done.

Who Is Larry Lieber?

Screenshot From Twitter

Although this situation is not only centered around Lieber, it was brought to my attention through the text message, “Not Marvel suing Stan Lee’s brother 😭😭 Why does Disney always have a lawsuit.” Lieber is a comic book writer and has participated in over 31 films as a writer, he is also known for Loki and Ant-man and the Wasp. Lieber had work and written many works side by side with his brother for years. Many of the major MCU work that we know today had Lieber behind the screens. Twitter has been flooded with memes related to Stan Lee ‘reacting’ to the drama that is about to unfold.



Film Cut

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