Exploring Italian Netflix

Focus on Netflix’s Zero and Skam Italia

Film Cut


Netflix’s Poster Image for Zero

The Italian Netflix shows Zero and Skam Italia are prime examples of Italian voices being shared with the world. From the music used to the dialog between characters facing real-life problems, both shows can depict the Italian lives of different groups of people. These two shows allow for the voices and lives of the invisible to be highlighted, thus introducing the global audience to a new side of Italy.

Image Sourced From Netflix

In the show Zero, viewers are introduced to the character of Omar, which centers around the invisibility he feels in his society of Milan. This is most highlighted when he is on his route to deliver a pizza and enters the couple’s home, who fail to notice his presence until hours later. Even though he was projecting his voice to them, they could not see or hear him, while the dog could see him and continued to bark at him. This was an interesting scene due to the dogs barking not impacting the owners’ attention, as they still could not see or hear Omar due to their lack of interest. This alludes to the lack of awareness we sometimes pay to animals or those we view as less than subconsciously; in other words, Omar’s visibility is similar to…



Film Cut

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