Why I Believe This Season Of Stranger Things Have Fallen Short

Breaking down key storylines throughout the season (Rating this season a 5/10)

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Just diving right in, many moments in the Season made me roll my eyes. With this Season, viewers are thrown into three different plots that all merge in the end. This article will address my likes and dislikes of each story and how they may have affected how engaged viewers may have been.

El’s Storyline Is A Waste Of Time

This plot has many cringe-worthy moments and parts that were not needed. We can see stark differences by addressing the bullying situation that El went through at her school and the facility. The bullying she experienced from school just seemed too scripted. The groups of actors who were the bullies seemed to lack a sense of direction and followed the same type of actions that we see in every high school drama movie. This was something that I found very draining and trying to watch, especially after being exposed to the other plots. El’s storyline was interesting; however, if more focus had been on Dr. Brenner and possibly the other children, I believe the plot would have been strengthened. When we do get to watch her upbringing of El in the facility, we are introduced to another bully. Number five took on his role…



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