Twin Peaks: Cherry Pie

Angela Castles
Film Food Safari
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2017

They’ve got a cherry pie here that’ll kill ya.

Cherry pie is a fittingly corny commemorative for my first post, and none do the humble pie justice like the wonderfully bizarre David Lynch. In the cult classic Twin Peaks (let’s not talk about the end of season 2) Lynch elevates the simple pleasures of a “damn fine cup of coffee” and a warm pie to a revered status; constant symbols of stability and comfort in the increasingly unhinged world of Twin Peaks.

Most importantly, it looks and sounds delicious. The ratio of glistening, thick filling to buttery shortcrust is enough to make grown men weep and send Agent Cooper to Pie Nirvana. To call the pie luscious and unctuous would be fitting, but that would also be veering into weirdly sexual territory for pie talk. Then again, Twin Peaks has always sat at the corner of Creepy Lane and Sexy Boulevard, so it’s probably how Lynch would describe that moist cherry pie. (Heh, moist).

Is there anything better than 70s/80s food styling? I need to do another post about assertively frank plating and the ubiquitous ‘Golden Lighting From Stage Right’

Nothing looks more satisfying than stepping out of the perpetually misty and frigid Twin Peaks night and into the Double R diner to order a bracing coffee and a slice of this pie. In fact, it’s all the characters seem to do in their free time -I guess everyone needs a break from spooky traffic lights and ominous synth music every once in a while.


Here’s a fantastic compilation by Slacktory of all the coffee drinking and pie eating that the characters get up to over the two seasons, perfect for watching on a cold winter’s day -preferably somewhere suitably atmospheric like a pine cabin by a waterfall or an abandoned road in the woods. Oh, so moody. Lynch would be proud.



Angela Castles
Film Food Safari

I write things, eat things & analyse things. Here’s what’s caught my attention in innovation, culture & branding.