20+ Film Ready Brooklyn Apartments for under $250 an hour.

Investing in the perfect location is easy with these locations from Peerspace.

Amber Lee-Adadevoh
Film Ready
5 min readMar 13, 2019


New filmmakers often source low cost locations that don’t match their story or characters. This can be a distraction to audiences, and make the entire production feel inauthentic. Just like camera equipment or talent, locations are a good place to invest your available budget. Here are a few spaces around Brooklyn that stand out from the crowd. Keep an eye out for time discounts and catering options. And check out more location guides at Film Ready.

Other Spaces in Brooklyn

Elegant beach houses meet cozy artistic spaces in Brooklyn’s rich tapestry of neighborhoods. From Crown Heights to Greenpoint, here are a few locations to fit your film’s aesthetic.

For more Peerspace locations in Brooklyn and beyond, check out Film Ready.

Film Ready is brought to you by Mission Based Projects, a creative production company based in New York City.

