Diana Martinez
Film Notes
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2017


The lecture series DECONSTRUCTING THE BEATLES is a treasure trove of information for fans of The Beatles and music production generally. Offering new insights into the making of the band’s most iconic albums, such as THE WHITE ALBUM, REVOLVER, and RUBBER SOUL, this essay film is augmented by the love director/writer Scott Freiman has for the subject matter.

Frieman spoke with reporter Michael Spawn about the accessibility and depth of his series: “My thing is to take people through the creative process and to show why the Beatles were so great by looking at the way they made their music. What were the influences? What happened when they brought their demos into the studio? What equipment were they using? What were the interactions like among the four Beatles and production staff at Abbey Road? It really appeals to people who only have a cursory knowledge of the Beatles, maybe know the music, to people who are just complete Beatle geeks.

What I try and do is bring this world of songwriting and production to people who don’t know anything about it. The idea is that these songs don’t just spring out of thin air and there’s a process that happens as you walk through them as they go from an idea to a finished product. Even if you know nothing about it, the next time you hear ‘Rocky Raccoon’ or ‘Dear Prudence’ or ‘Back in the USSR,’ you know a little bit more about what went into the making of those songs.”

