Diana Martinez
Film Notes
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2017


To celebrate our tenth anniversary, we asked Film Streams staff and board members to pick their top ten from the more than 1,600 films that illuminated the screens of the Ruth Sokolof Theater during its first decade. What emerged was a series that champions some of the finest independent and foreign films released in the last ten years.

Though Wes Anderson’s visionary direction has always been impressive, MOONRISE KINGDOM stands as one of his most lauded films. The story of a pair of tween lovers is both funny and heart-warming, in true Anderson style.

Anderson spoke to Vanity Fair about working with children on the film and making them work for their roles, “I’ve worked with kids on different films in the past, and they’re really fun. They tend to be really enthusiastic. It takes a long time to find them, though. I usually set aside a lot of time in advance of a movie with important roles for kids to search, but when you have great ones, they can be a real ace in the hole.

[… To prep for the role] with Kara [who plays Suzy] I gave her some books to read. Her character is a big reader. Aside from that, she did some physical training because acting is a much more physical task than acting in a classroom. So part of her preparation was to build endurance for a long work process. For Jared [who plays Sam], I gave him some tasks that were more specific to his character, like canoeing and cooking — training in scout activities. Then we just rehearsed quite a lot. They knew the script better than anyone.”

