Black Mirror S05 E01: (Netflix)- Provides a balance between technology and fantasy

Reubyn Coutinho
Film World
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

Striking Vipers is the first episode of the 5th season of Black Mirror.

The episode features best friends Karl and Danny use the video game ‘Striking Vipers’ as an escape from their day to day lives. The game offers players a chance to choose between a plethora of characters. Danny chooses a ripped male fighter Lance and Karl opts for scantily clad female fighter Roxette.

There is a line in this pre-game dialogue between Karl and Danny which shows that Danny is one who has the responsibility at the back of his mind and uses the game as a fantasy escape from reality. His tone shows that he is slightly sad, but that is a constant of Danny throughout the episode. It’s sad-sad, sad-angry and shows us that he is just resigned to accepting life.

We jump 11 years to Danny’s birthday barbecue party. He is now in his late 30s and doesn’t seem that into his love life and is searching for excuses to avoid a second child. At this gathering, his old friend Karl comes back into his life and his gift is the ‘Striking Vipers X’ game complete with all the technological upgrades of a decade.

Callister Inc (from the episode USS Calister) has released its technology which allows humans to transfer their consciousness into the characters they play and even gives them the exact experience their on-screen persona is going through. This is like Westworld come real except that here there are no other characters (hosts) apart from the ones you choose to lose yourself in.

They choose the same characters as they did over a decade ago, inhibit the characters’ consciousness in the virtual world and resume their battles. Then they have virtual sex with each other. It’s a heterosexual encounter w.r.t. the virtual characters but the consciousness inhabiting the characters and experiencing the pleasure results in it being a homosexual encounter.

This frequent virtual sex leads to a further decline in Danny’s marital life with Theo and she can sense it as she asks is there someone else. He forgets important dates and lives each day of his life waiting to get to the time he and Karl’s consciousness will meet. And soon he feels guilty and locks the game, but Karl who continues to play reveals to Danny that virtual sex with other characters doesn’t feel the same.

Striking Vipers a solid episode that manages to provide a balance between technology, fantasy and a way of escape and real-life and responsibilities in keeping the commitments people have made to one another. It focuses on how people consider their virtual in-game identities as a projection of their real lives unfulfilled desires and at times they become unable to differentiate between the boundaries of real and virtual.

It speaks about how technology can also be used to satisfy one’s intrinsic needs but its usage in limitation with the consent of all parties is a solution that has benefits for all.

The cast is one of the best ensemble lineups for a Netflix episode and honestly, such a line up should be getting much more attention than Miley Cyrus received for her appearance in the third episode of the series.



Reubyn Coutinho
Film World

Film Critic. I love watching films and take pleasure in writing about and analyzing any film or TV show. I have a habit of writing about sports too.