Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2019

2019 has been a year of growth and strengthening of our alliances and ties within the industry. Filmarket Hub’s philosophy is a priority to seek emerging talent and promote the most promising projects internationally.

On November 28th we participated as sponsors in the 10th edition of the Screen Awards. This annual awards ceremony hosted by Screen International celebrates success in distribution, production, marketing and advertising in the UK film industry.

We were honoured to present the Rising Star Award to Wayne D’Cruz (Distribution Coordinator of Dartmouth Films). This award recognizes the talent of an executive with projection to become one of the most outstanding in the film industry in the coming years.

This year we have also been sponsors of The Brit List, a showcase where UK film and television companies are invited to recommend the best-unproduced scripts they’ve seen in the past year. If a script receives a minimum number of recommendations, it will appear in the final list.

The objective of this initiative is to provide an industry entry platform for these scripts and their writers and that is why the collaboration with Filmarket Hub allows the projects included in The Brit List to access our online marketplace.

We were the Spanish company selected to participate in the 2019 edition of EFM Startups within the framework of the European Film Market of the Berlinale last February. EFM Startups welcomes the most innovative projects in the audiovisual world and the entertainment sector that present new technologies for areas such as the development, production, distribution or commercialization of audiovisual content.

Our founders Andrea Giannone and Bernardo Gomez participated in the three days of the event in Berlin, exchanging experiences with other players in the audiovisual industry along with the other 9 selected from Germany, Estonia, France, Holland, Canada and Norway, the main country.

We were at the 21st edition of Connecting Cottbus presenting our online market to an audience of experienced producers, buyers and international financiers during the pitching days.

During the month of October, we were present at the 16th edition of the Canary Islands International Film Market, an event that brought together more than 100 professionals from the audiovisual industry to boost and establish relationships with film projects. The event concluded with a pitching day in which Filmarket Hub recognized La Indiana with a free one-year subscription as the most innovative project.

Last November we presented the award in recognition of the Best Fiction Proposal to the project of Gabriel Patolvsky and Veronica Eibusszyc ‘Me casé con un androide’ in an event that put end to the Campus Talent of VLC Pitch Forum, a meeting of training for screenwriters that also presents an international call for draft scripts.

In addition, throughout 2019 we have reached numerous partnership agreements with different associations, festivals and schools around the world to bring the best projects in development to our online market and offer young creatives a platform to boost their scripts and establish the first direct contacts with potential partners.

From the Tribeca Film Institute, the Master of Script of UNIR, The Golden Script Competition, the Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival, the Artists in Residence at Cabo de Hornos, Torino Short Film Market, Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Mediterranean Film Institute Script 2 Film Workshops, Barcelona School of Screenwriting and Audiovisual Creation, the Film London Production Finance Market, the Galician Association of Screenwriters or the International School of Writers.



Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub

The online platform that makes film projects come true! Online Film Market of scripts and co-production #MakeProjectsHappen