5 Filmmaking Lessons From Judd Apatow

Hollywood’s King of Comedy

Fede Mayorca
Filmarket Hub
4 min readJan 15, 2019


  1. More Character = More laughs.

“People like the comedy more when they care about the characters.”

Comedy has a strange relationship with empathy, for a long time filmmakers thought that drama relied on empathy and comedy on the lack thereof. That’s why Chaplin said that life was a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.

The closer you — as a filmmaker — get to a character, the closer the audience is going to feel to them, they’ll relate to the characters pains and worries. But how will they laugh when they’re too busy caring? That’s where Apatow comes in!

Apatow’s comedies hit hard with audiences because there’s always a true emotional aspect to them. That’s where he shines, his sympathy for his characters is unmatched, he writes about flawed individuals with golden hearts. You laugh with his characters as if they were your friends.

Heart elevates the humor. Everyone laughs harder when they care.

2. Punching Up.

“I think that everything I tend to do roots for the underdog.”

Comedies can feel like you’re making fun of the character, it’s important to know the balance between laughing with them and laughing at their expense.

Apatow makes his characters underdogs who might be the center of some jokes — but not all of them — his no bully. The joke of the movie is not on them, is on their situation.

The audience relates to the underdog and the movie makes fun of what’s keeping the underdogs down. That’s how Apatow tackles high-school, friendships and marriages.

His comedy “punches up” empowering his underdogs.

3. Unique Voice

“The only way you are going to make it is if you write.”

Apatow said that to Jason Seger when the later was starting out his career as a young actor in Hollywood. Jason was a cast member on Apatow’s show “Freaks and Geeks”, where Apatow quickly noticed Jason was an oddball, and a smart one. The experienced writer/producer/director took the young actor aside and told him that if he was going to make in the industry, he would have to write his own stuff — which he did.

Segel followed Apatow’s advice, thus becoming a very prolific writer and an actor himself! With Apatow serving as the producer on many of his flicks.

The truth is that if you want to make it by doing what others are doing, you’ll be competing with a lot of talent, but if you follow your own voice and style you’ll at least be unique. And there's a lot less competition there.

No one can be Sorkin like Sorkin. No one can do Apatow like Apatow. No one going to do you like you.

4. Going All Out

“it’s important to me to tear down the house at some point in a movie.”

That’s Hollywood talk, but we all know he is right. Every film needs a big set piece. But it doesn’t have to be action-packed with cars flying every direction and bullets zipping by your characters head.

A comedy can — and needs — to have big moments. Important plot points where everything that can go wrong does. Chaos and hilarity ensue, the movie gets a big climax. Something memorable for the audience to take home.

To me, this means that Apatow not only knows storytelling but also knows his audience. We want it big, cathartic and on Dolby surround.

5. Listening

“I hire people who make me laugh.”

The filmmaking process is long, and you can lose sight of your intended goals somewhere along the process. That’s why surrounding yourself with smart people can save your film, but that’s not enough! You also have to listen.

You can have Spielberg and Willam Goldman by your side each day of the shoot, but it won’t make any difference if you don’t listen to what they have to say. Apatow knows this, so he surrounds himself with funny people, so when they have something to say about the story, he knows they have a point. And a funny one at that.

Trust goes a long way when it comes to filmmaking. Having people to rely on can make all the difference in the world. Apatow knows this, and that’s why he’s a world-class filmmaker.

Comedy is one of the most successful genres in the film business, the secret to big laughs is the secret to big box office success!

Judd Apatow has been making great comedies for Hollywood as a Writer, Producer, and Director for decades. If someone knows how the world of comedy works it’s him!

Learn how to make everyone laugh with Filmarket Hub’s TRAINING. Learn comedy from Judd Apatow now!

