5 Reasons to gift an online course on filmmaking this Christmas

Fede Mayorca
Filmarket Hub
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2018

Stop last minute Christmas shopping. We’ve got what you need (and no, it doesn’t have to be shipped.)

Getting that perfect Christmas gift for your loved one is getting harder every year, is in it? This is your chance to give something memorable and original — a gift that could influence their future as creators.

I understand this is not the most conventional gift; you might not be sold on this idea completely. Let’s break it down:

1.) Help your loved one stay updated.

Today’s film industry is growing and changing rapidly; an online course is one of the best ways to keep developing skills while learning from the top creators in the industry. They know what’s going on right now and how these new tools and developments can be used to further a career.

Most colleges have professors who have been out of the industry for years. Having a professor who’s active in the industry is vital to give the students up-to-date information about current practices they need to have right now. Who better to learn from than Martin Scorsese, Aaron Sorkin, or Werner Herzog?

2.) Save money

With an online course, they can get access to the very best professors available WORLDWIDE, and for a fraction of the cost of tuition anywhere.

It’s no secret that the rising cost of education is leaving more and more people outside of higher learning institutions, with an online course anyone can circumvent college debt and get directly the information they need to strengthen their skills.

Top professor for less money, as easy as that.

3.) They can keep their current schedule

A college course has fixed hours that might interfere with their work or family life; an online course does not. This gives the student the possibility of advancing at their own pace and when they want. No need to quit hours at work, or cancel social events.

They can learn and develop their skills when it’s convenient.

4.) Avoid mall madness

This is probably the worst time of the year to go shopping. Every store has their own Christmas music up to the max in a futile attempt to “out-Christmas” each other. Hectic shoppers are trying to find their last minute gifts flood every inch of the mall. Parking anywhere is at least a 40min quest!

Avoid the December craze, gift something online.

5.) It’s a timeless gift

Education lasts forever. It’s crucial to stay active and continuously learn new ideas to be a part of an industry as competitive as the film industry, but more important than staying updated is what they will get out of the knowledge itself.

Learning and exploring new ideas develops the mind. Storytelling, photography, music, and acting are subjects that not only interest those around the film industry, but have always been relevant and at the center of academic studies.

Education is a form of growth that can never be lost, and it’s one of the most beautiful gifts to give someone you love.

Gift a high-level filmmaking course with TRAINING, and get your loved one advice from Martin Scorsese, Aaron Sorkin, or Samuel L. Jackson this upcoming Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

