The best presentation of your project

Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
6 min readApr 20, 2020


The One Page is the presentation page of your project. In it, producers or companies can see the basic information of your script: title, high concept, type of project, genre, country, budget, target audience, synopsis, references and the notes you want to add

You can also see more specific information: what state it is in, the language in which it is written, as well as what you are looking for in the market. It is important that you do not neglect the visual part, which gains relevance in the marketplace. Producers and companies will also see the poster of your film and the teaser, in case you have it.

Here we bring you a step by step with links to Filmarket Hub Medium blog articles so that you fill it most optimally and manage to highlight your project within the marketplace:


Create a winning title

To put your project out there you must have a solid title because your project’s success will depend on it. It’s not only significant to get the audience to watch your project but also to catch the producers’ and executives’ attention and bring your script to life.

The Tagline, your sales sentence

The tagline allows you to communicate in a direct way the message of your story to your main target, and at the same time, explain to your “potential clients” what you differentiate yourself from the rest of shows or movies that are being pitched; why you should be picked over the rest of projects.


Design a great poster for your film

Audiovisual pieces help a lot to sell any film project and, without a doubt, the poster represents the quickest and most effective way of communicating our product.

Tease your audience

To develop a series of audiovisual pieces that will support the presentation of your project it means that those pieces must convince the producers that this story has a prospective audience, that we can take it forward.


How to write a good synopsis

Seems like an insignificant subject, writing a synopsis. In the construction of a script, few are going to pay attention to that, but writing a good synopsis is as important as having a good start or epic ending to your story. In fact, writing a synopsis, as well as the making of trailers and teasers, has become an art with a lot of people specializing in that area. It’s a language that starts from classic literature, but which has to focus on localizing and optimizing space and time.


The importance of reference when pitching a script

Far from being a stigma, type-casting your script or eclipsing its originality, references to other movies can become a very valuable ally. Knowing how to use them, playing well your cards and comparing your work to the right references can add a lot to the road towards getting your script made.


Hit Your Project’s Target Audience

It is paramount to develop our project having in mind who will be the receptor of it, who is going to watch it and what they expect from us. As in the end, we don’t only write a story for ourselves, but to speak to a certain audience.


Sell your screenplay

One of the most important pieces of information that you’ll need to provide when selling a script is a budget estimate. You can position yourself in many different ways depending on what number you choose. Your future producers will want to know what kind of film you’re trying to make, and what kind of box office performance should be expected from it.

How to establish the production value of your script?

Making movies is a very expensive art. There are many costs associated to it, each film is like creating a small (or big) business; you have to pay everyone who works on them for the period of time they’re on the project, you have to make sure you have in place all the structural elements that will allow you realize this project.


Why Script Analysis worth it

A good and complete script analysis can mark the difference between getting your script noticed by an industry professional or not. It seems an exaggeration, considering there are many more factors into play that will make a script sold.

The two faces of Script Analysis

Script analysis isn’t only a tool so that a screenwriter can improve its script. That is its main function, but it’s also a tool to compare scripts. To decide which is the best to produce.


Creating the perfect sales dossier

The sales dossier is the most valuable tool when it comes to making your script stand out and grab a producer’s attention. When you’re selling a script, you’re not just selling an idea or a story. You’re selling an entire universe, complete with an artistic vision, a specific look, mood, atmosphere and tone.

Sell your TV series with the Bible

That fiction TV series are taking over the audiovisual market it is not news. Internet, VOD platforms and traditional TV channels have realized, TV series are the new star product. So, it is the ideal moment to pitch that TV series idea of yours to the market. But, what form should you give it, how should you present it? From a screenwriters point of view, the bible is the answer.


Inside Stranger Things’ One Page

It’s what ultimately connects you with the industry. For that reason, we bring you a cool case study to understand how to thoughtfully fill all the fields of the One Page. How would the Stranger Things’ One Page look like if the Duffer brothers had subscribed it to Filmarket Hub?

We are looking for the next great drama pilot and for fresh voices writing for the screen. Our goal is to connect screenwriters with leading TV executives and key players in the industry.

The international screenwriting competition for Spanish language TV pilots. will be open until the June 10.3.000€ cash awards, opportunities to pitch live in Spain and Mexico, access to leading production companies and many more benefits. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate your writing and get industry exposure and support.

We have several packs available to submit your script and hire one of the script evaluation services. Discover the one that suits you the best!



Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub

The online platform that makes film projects come true! Online Film Market of scripts and co-production #MakeProjectsHappen