Submitting a project takes its time

Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
3 min readJul 11, 2018


by Marta Ávila

Subscribe to our calls in time

Submitting a project on a Filmarket Hub pitching call takes its time, which is why we recommend not to wait until the last minute to submit your project. Furthermore, you should pay attention at the exact time in which the pitching call for submissions closes (and the time zone that it applies to).

The first step is to register on the platform. After you’ve done that, you will receive a confirmation of your registration email, which you must accept in order to continue with the inscription process.

Next, you can start submitting your project of choice: fill in the presentation page (One Page), upload the required files and fill in your contact details. Once you have completed this part of the submission process, click on the “send” button and wait for the Filmarket Hub team to revise and validate that everything is all right with it. At this point, you will receive an email indicating that your project has been sent for revision.

The revising process by the Filmarket Hub team is made so that they can advise you if they find any error in the way you have presented your project before making it public on the market: formatting, some information is missing, spelling mistakes etc.

It is a process that depends a lot on the number of projects that are submitted at a time, and which tends to extend for a certain period of time when, at the closing of the call, we receive an enormous amount of last minute projects.

In case you have to correct anything from your project submission, you will receive an email with indications on what to change. On some occasions, it’ll be something very simple and easily amended, but other times it will require some more time to update, that is why we ask you to apply with enough time.

Once approved, you will receive an email, which will indicate you can proceed to activate your project on the market, in other words, to make it public for the Pro companies present at the platform. At this point, you will have to select a subscription fee (6 months or a year) and pay.

Companies at FMH

After paying the fee, you will receive a new email confirming the payment of the market subscription; therefore, your project will be visible on the online market.

It is then when you can proceed to apply to the open pitching call:

Step 1- Login to the platform

Step 2- Go to the “Calls” section

Step 3- Select “More information” to read the requirements and confirm you comply with them

Step 4- Select “Inscribe your project”

Step 5- Select the project that you decide to inscribe in this pitching call (remember you can have more than one project registered).

Step 6- Accept.

Lastly, you will receive a final email confirming your inscription to the pitching call.

The team at Filmarket Hub will be at your disposition to guide you throughout the whole process. In any case, as soon as you apply to the pitching call, you will have more leverage to resolve any doubts you might have or to apply any changes to mistakes or recommendations the team might have for your project.

In conclusion, pay attention to your email inbox and subscribe your project with enough time to complete the whole process before the deadline of the pitching call closes.

Good Luck!



Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub

The online platform that makes film projects come true! Online Film Market of scripts and co-production #MakeProjectsHappen