Sell your screenplay on Filmarket Hub — Part Four

The screenwriter’s calendar

Martí Casal
Filmarket Hub
2 min readAug 13, 2018


Movie scripts also win prizes. In addition to some financial reward, the biggest take from film awards and festivals is validation from a third party, as well as an opportunity to obtain economic aid to develop your script. There are even some contests that will not only bring prestige to your script, but they are also directly connected to the industry and can serve as a direct window for your projects.

So if you have won a prize in a pitching session, or in a festival, make sure it’s visible in your One Page description. It will send a clear message: your script has already been evaluated and validated.

Here are a few examples of big screenwriting competitions: the Austin Screenwriting Competition, the Final Draft Big Break Contest or the American Zoetrope Screenwriting Contest are among the most prestigious. They offer, in addition to good economic rewards, real opportunities to speak directly to the film industry. On a more local level, the SGAE Screenwriting Award for Feature Films Julio Alejandro, the Avilés Acción Pitchbox and the comedy script contest “La Traca”, among others, stand out in Spain, while Latin American film institutions also organize important competitions.

And awards aren’t limited to film screenplays! There are also prestigious contests for television pilots, such as the BBC Comedy Scriptroom, or Screencraft’s TV Script Contest.

Here at Filmarket Hub, we’ve created a handy tool that lists some of the most important screenwriting awards. Click here to open it!

Other accessible tools

Filmarket Hub also organizes Pitchbox calls, as well as a script evaluation and analysis service that can provide validation and reputation.

To make all these opportunities more accessible, we have created an open calendar that lists some of the biggest festivals, script labs and similar activities, which can be by date, type of project (Film, TV, Documentary…) and language. It’s also an organic, living document that we’ll continue to update and upgrade over time, and it’s always open to suggestions for anything we might have missed. Do not miss the big deadlines, they could be a great opportunity to gain exposure for your film!

