How to Write a TV Pilot in 30 Amazingly Simple Steps — Part 4

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Filmarket Hub


16- A Key concept of screenwriting: B Story.

The B story or subplot resonates thematically with the A story. Sometimes the “themes” of a story are discussed here. It can also involve the supporting or secondary characters that maybe aren’t involved in the main story of the episode. A lot of times the resolution of the main story comes from something learned in the “B Story”. If you find your subplot not connected in any way to the main drama of the show, then there’s no reason to have one.

Like the “debate sequence”, the B story can also help relax the audience after an important action-filled beat. Other characters, or the love interest, can help push the plot along without the audience knowing what’s really going on. The main character is learning something that will be useful later.

The B story or plot is not an appendix. Is an essential part of the story that’s happening at the same time that the A story. One will affect the other. They complement each other. The B story will have less screen time, but its effects should echo throughout the story.

Day 16 Task:

Keep writing your 2nd Act. See if your story can be enhanced by a subplot. How can other characters improve your story? Is there a Hannibal Lecter in your show?



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