Leveraging Conflicts: Secrets to Crafting Exhilarating Plot Developments in Your Story

Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
Published in
8 min readOct 30, 2023


Truth be told, don’t we all relish a solid struggle? The excitement of pursuit, the pulseceler-acating standoff, the resolution’s sweetness (and occasional tartness). The pumping adrenaline! Confrontation brings that special ‘zing’ to any storyline, and without it, tales would be as flavourless as chips without a dip. Is there more to say? Shall we venture further?

What’s the connection between compelling plots and conflicts?

Envision a narrative where all is hunky-dory- devoid of hurdles, devoid of trials…sounds dull, wouldn’t you say? Spot on! The fundamental principle of storytelling yearns for conflict! As often stated, “Without a test, there can be no testimony”. It’s the same with narratives. Conflict compels the central character to transform, adapt, and that’s what makes a tale worth indulging in!

The potency of layered conflict

Visualise this! Our protagonist, Clara, is entangled not only with a malevolent sorcerer with a burning desire for world domination (an external confrontation) but also wrestling with her own apprehensions about employing her magic capabilities (an internal struggle). Now, that’s quite the predicament, isn’t it? Layered conflicts…



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